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Tabnine is now part of Codota

Tabnine is now part of Codota

Dror Weiss /
3 minutes /
March 23, 2020

Dear Tabnine and Codota users. 

I’m excited to announce that Codota has acquired Tabnine late in 2019. In this post, I’d like to share more about Tabnine and Codota’s future.

Both Codota’s and Tabnine’s mission is to make developers more productive by automating mundane and repetitive parts of programming. With this shared mission in mind, both Codota and Tabnine set out to introduce AI to software development, using slightly different technical approaches. Each of the approaches has its own advantages and has gained popularity in different communities, which made the decision to join forces straightforward.

I would like to take a step forward and share our plans for Tabnine within Codota.

Tabnine Maintenance: Following the deal, Tabnine’s creator, Jacob Jackson, is now a part of the Codota team as an advisor. After going through intensive in-person training with Jacob, Codota’s engineers are maintaining Tabnine and working with the community to make sure Tabnine keeps improving. Those who follow Tabnine closely might have noticed them getting up to speed in handling issues in the last few weeks. I am confident that with the additional muscle and resources we devote to Tabnine, the project will keep thriving.

Tabnine community: We will continue to work with the Tabnine community to hear feedback, prioritize issues and help the creation of additional plugins for Tabnine. The central GitHub repo will continue to serve as the go-to place for users.

Privacy: We will continue to respect the privacy of Codota and Tabnine users. Both Codota and Tabnine products use the minimal required information for contextualizing queries (over an encrypted connection). This contextual information is ephemeral and is not stored anywhere after the query has been fulfilled. We will continue to clearly communicate what private info is being sent, and how it is used. Tabnine will continue to have an offline mode that does not require an Internet connection and does not send any data to the cloud service.

Product Integration: We see great opportunity in combining the semantic models of Codota with the textual models of Tabnine. Each of them beautifully complements the others, and a thoughtful combination of the two is far superior to any of the models individually. We have recently shipped a beta of the Codota plugin for WebStorm/IntelliJ IDEA that provides code completion based on a combination of the two models. You are most welcome to try it and tell us what you think. Further in the future, we plan to combine the brands so we offer a single product.

Free and paid plans: Both Codota and Tabnine will continue to have free-forever plans that allow developers to enjoy a great code prediction experience. As both Tabnine and Codota originally intended, we will offer paid plans that enable code prediction for larger projects and other advanced features. We are excited to release them soon and believe they provide excellent value to individuals and teams who create software professionally. We will soon start offering student discounts as well.

From day one, Codota set itself to change how we all write code. Leveraging years of research and specialized AI models, we are shaping the future of software development – making developers faster and better.  By joining forces with Tabnine, we are now proud to be the market leader in this space.

In sum, we see a bright future for the integration of Tabnine and Codota and see a very promising future for AI-assisted software development. Our success depends on your trust and enthusiasm. We will do everything in our power to be a worthy part of your coding workflow.

Dror Weiss, CEO


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