From Pixels to Production: Introducing Tabnine’s Image as Context

Install Tabnine for GoLand

Add Tabnine directly to GoLand with one click. Keep GoLand open in the background during installation and restart your IDE when you’re finished.
Select a different IDE
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If you want to manually install Tabnine, follow these steps
Step 1

In the File menu, choose Settings.

Tip: If you’re using MacOS, choose Preferences in the GoLand menu.

In the File menu, choose Settings.

Tip: If you’re using MacOS, choose Preferences in the GoLand menu.

Step 2

Go to the Plugins / Marketplace tab, search for Tabnine, and click Install. 
Click Restart IDE for the changes to take effect.

Go to the Plugins / Marketplace tab, search for Tabnine, and click Install. 
Click Restart IDE for the changes to take effect.

Step 3

Click the Tabnine logo in your IDE status bar to open the Tabnine Hub. On the top-right corner, click Register / Sign In.

Click the Tabnine logo in your IDE status bar to open the Tabnine Hub. On the top-right corner, click Register / Sign In.

You’re all set!
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