
Tabnine Blog

Top 17 PhpStorm plugins you need to know about
November 4, 2020
5 -min read
There’s no shortage of IDE solutions for PHP developers out there. Beginners can usually get…
Object-oriented programming vs. functional programming: Is OOP dead?
October 15, 2020
6 -min read
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is something that's been around for so long that everyone has kind…
What is Jenkins Pipeline and how to create pipelines with Blue Ocean
October 8, 2020
6 -min read
No one likes a broken night build. Not the testers, not DevOp, and especially not…
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First impressions: Tabnine really gets me
October 1, 2020
7 -min read
I recently installed the Tabnine plugin for Sublime (Windows), and spent the last several weeks…
Top 17 free Sublime Text plugins
September 30, 2020
7 -min read
Text editors are one of the most basic must-have tools in the arsenal of every…
What are coroutines in Kotlin and how to write them
September 21, 2020
5 -min read
Kotlin is part of the new generation of languages that are gently gaining big traction…
Kotlin Multiplatform: The secret to Kotlin’s rising popularity
September 9, 2020
6 -min read
Kotlin is quickly becoming one of the most popular programming languages. Most programming bloggers now…
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So Sublime: A minimalist setup
September 8, 2020
5 -min read
Opinions on optimal development-environment setup are as numerous as there are stars in the nighttime…
Redux vs. MobX in React: Which is right for you?
August 26, 2020
6 -min read
State management is hard. Just ask any President, Senator or frontend dev. Dad jokes aside,…