
Thought Leadership

Getting your org to “Yes!” with AI adoption
June 19,2024
5 -min read
Adopting an AI tool requires involving a more diverse set of stakeholders — and involving them more deeply — than you’ve ever had to in previous technical initiatives.
Remind me,teach me,elevate me:Using GenAI to unlock your best developer self
June 11,2024
5 -min read
I’ve discovered that there are three ways of interacting with AI that have helped make me a better developer:remind me,teach me,and elevate me.
Will AI replace developers? 4 ways the dev role will change forever
May 28,2024
7 -min read
What is generative AI?  Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create content,…
Enhancing AI coding assistants with context using RAG and SEM-RAG
May 27,2024
6 -min read
Basic AI coding assistants,while helpful,often fall short of delivering the most relevant and…
How AI code assistants speed up and simplify the SDLC
May 23,2024
7 -min read
AI code assistants aren’t coming to take away software development jobs. But they can help developers spend more time doing interesting work.
5 software development skills AI will render obsolete
April 16,2024
3 -min read
AI coding tools automate so many tasks that developers are likely to discover that some of the skills they’ve acquired will no longer be needed.
Is AI a job killer? Look to software development for clues
February 21,2024
5 -min read
AI-enabled software development tools have thus far reduced low-level tasks and automated mundane and repetitive tasks,enabling developers to do more.
Will ChatGPT replace programmers?
February 1,2024
9 -min read
While ChatGPT,or any AI tool,is unlikely to replace programmers anytime soon,AI coding assistants are becoming an essential part of the development process.
Transforming the coding landscape:Interview with Tabnine CEO Dror Weiss
January 4,2024
2 -min read
Website Planet recently interviewed Dror Weiss,our CEO,to discuss how Tabnine benefits developers and R&D teams.
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