
Product News

Introducing Tabnine’s Onboarding Agent:Revolutionizing developer onboarding
March 28,2024
3 -min read
Today we’re thrilled to introduce the Onboarding Agent for Tabnine Chat,a new product capability that helps developers onramp to a new project faster.
Tabnine Chat is now generally available
March 13,2024
3 -min read
Tabnine Chat complements our code completions to enable you to simplify and accelerate numerous aspects of the software development life cycle.
Introducing new,more highly personalized AI software recommendations
February 22,2024
5 -min read
Tabnine can now use the context of our users to deliver more precise and more personalized recommendations for code generation and explanations,guidance,and more.
DigitalOcean and Tabnine:Bringing AI-powered app development to startups and SMBs everywhere
February 15,2024
2 -min read
We’ve announced a strategic partnership with DigitalOcean to deliver Tabnine's AI coding assistant to startups and SMBs across the world.
Tabnine achieves GDPR compliance for enhanced privacy
February 8,2024
2 -min read
Tabnine has successfully achieved compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),marking a significant milestone in our commitment to data protection and privacy.
Tabnine:The enterprise-grade AI code assistant
February 15,2023
7 -min read
The popularity of generative AI has broken out of tech circles and become a household…
Introducing inline code completions
August 30,2022
<1 -min read
What are inline code completions? Inline code completions provide you with code completion suggestions as…
Try out Tabnine Pro with our free trial
August 7,2022
<1 -min read
It’s been an intense few months here at Tabnine,and we’ve rolled out a lot…
Tabnine goes hybrid,serving AI models on both cloud and local
June 8,2022
<1 -min read
Harnessing the combined power of both cloud and local servers is essential for providing the…